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May 29, 2023

Mother Horror, Sadie Hartmann, joins us to talk SALEM'S LOT. We dive into her love of the book and talk about the 1979 miniseries, exploring vampires, small-town secrets, creepy men, and the consequences of destroying a child's love of things we don't understand.

Her new book is available here: 101 BOOKS TO READ BEFORE...

May 22, 2023

Thomas Brungardt joins us to talk RENFIELD. We're looking at co-dependency, narcissists, self-worth, manipulation, gaslighting, and the greatness of Tedward Lobo.


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James Sabata


May 15, 2023

Bryan Hardy joins us to talk about werewolves, military service, human stew, and just how expendable a soldier is to the military at any given time.


For Rent / Streaming


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James Sabata

Donald Guillory


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