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Jun 28, 2021

Josh Viola and Alavaro Zinos-Amaro join us to talk substance abuse, obsession, addiction to technology, Gnosticism, and the empty shell of a man looking for ANYTHING to crawl inside and give his life a purpose.


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Jun 24, 2021

Writer/Director Daniel Emery Taylor and actor James Azrael join us to discuss their film IT’S JUST A GAME (2018). We’re talking cults, the need to fit in, the fragility of loyalty, and some fun behind the scenes stories.


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Jun 21, 2021

Brian Haas joins us to discuss the social commentary in SPONTANEOUS a film that found a way to discuss school shootings without mentioning them and predicted COVID-19 precautions at the same time. We’re talking love, loss, the risk of taking chances and the risk of not, and the questionable need for a cemetery.

Jun 14, 2021

Author Mike Thorn joins us to talk about Tod Browning's 1932 film FREAKS. Looking at physical difference, exploitation vs. empowerment, how 1/3 of the film is lost to history, and more.


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Jun 7, 2021

Jason McCord joins us to talk GOTHIKA. We're talking the terror of showers, We're talking ghosts, murder, mental health, loss of self, the symbolism of fire and water, and just how scary a group shower can be.


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