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Jan 25, 2021

Gracie from joins us to talk about the social commentary in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. We discuss viral marketing, reality vs. rumor, what we like and dislike about found footage films, and the age old battle of man vs. nature.

Jan 19, 2021

The 1915 propaganda piece THE BIRTH OF A NATION a film so seeped in fear and racism that it led to the revival of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. We explore blatant lies, imaginary history, and how it reflects events today.

Jan 11, 2021

We take a look at Ryan Spindell's #horror #anthology #film The Mortuary Collection (now on #Shudder) We look at gender expectations, consequences of sins, the timelessness of morality tales, and more.

Jan 4, 2021

We discuss the social commentary of HIS HOUSE, including immigration, migration, nativism, and the role of case managers and why they burn out so quickly.